Primary One Registration Statistics Visualiser

A Leaflet.js map showing Singapore’s primary schools, and statistics pertaining to the 2017 Primary One Registration Exercise.

Click on a map point to list schools within a 2 km radius, or enter a postal code or address below:

What do those numbers mean?

The zodiac animal in the year field refers to the modal zodiac year of birth for the upcoming cohort.

The percentages indicate the cumulative percentage of places occupied at the end of the phase.
A percentage in bold indicates that all places have been filled.

Numbers in parentheses indicate the ratio of applicants to vacancies for a particular phase.
A number in bold indicates an oversubscription for that phase.
A dash (-) indicates no applicants for that particular phase (e.g., if all places are taken by the end of Phase 2C, then Phase 2C(S) will not be conducted and hence there will be no applicants).

For example, an entry such as:

Phase 2C78% (0.67)

indicates that there were 0.67 applicants for each vacancy for Phase 2C, and that 78% of the total number of school vacancies had been filled by the end of that phase.

CO-ED SCHOOLGIRLS' SCHOOLBOYS' SCHOOL: Indicates whether the school is co-ed, girls only or boys only.

HANDICAP FACILITIES: School has handicap facilities.

GEP: School offers a Gifted Education Programme.

SAP: Indicates a Special Assistance Plan school.

MALAYCHINESETAMIL: Indicates Mother Tongues offered by the school.

Implementation Notes

Schools Geodata obtained from and OneMap. Schools registration statistics taken from various online sources (KiasuParents, Domain Of Experts, and individual school websites). Data was cleaned and coded into GeoJSON in Python.


This visualisation was done as a programming exercise. If you actually make use of it to plan your Primary One registration strategy for your kid, don’t hold me responsible if your kid doesn’t get into your school of choice. Registration statistics are provided as-is, and no claims are made as to the accuracy of the data.